“WOW” Services - Luxury Myanmar Travel
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“WOW” Services

“WOW” Services

1. Core values

  1. Customer focus: Our sincere service is from our heart – touching your heart. Our customers are the greatest asset for our ethical business, and customer care is at the very heart of everything we do. Our customers provide employment for our team of specialists and help our business grow to better serve them.

2. Passion: We are passionate about:

  1. Creating memories,
  2. Quality tourism products
  3. Our Luxury Insider Experiences
  4. Providing insights
  5. Unique experiences
  6. Authentic travel
  7. Luxury Adventure
  8. Responsible Travel
  9. Exceptional service – Luxury with attitude
  10. Our expertise as award-winning travel experts.
  11. Making travel experiences special

Luxury travel is being redefined as experiential and personal, and we provide great experiences for our sophisticated guests.

3. Innovation: Creativity, education and continuous innovation are the lifeblood of our company. We respect each other and welcome individual differences, so that each person can contribute their unique views and skills to the organization. Together we are better!

4. Leadership: At Luxury Travel Ltd people are always our top priority and concern. People are at the heart of our business, combining their expertise with dedication and attitude to their work in the tourism and service industry. We are proud to be a part of the first luxury travel company in Vietnam.

5. Transparent: Our way of working with our clients is to be open, respectful, honest, courteous and helpful.

6. Our competent people: Staff who are knowledgeable, highly skilled and with a professional attitude, providing Excellent Service based on the format Attitude + Art of Service + Efficiency.

7. Pride: Luxury Travel Ltd is a company filled with friendship, pride and peak professional performance. We value democracy, freedom and happiness and all Luxers understand, share and track their responsibility to provide exceptional service.

8. Credible: Our team is recognised in the travel industry as luxury travel experts; our information and advice are thorough, practical, worthwhile, timely and as objective as possible.

9. Ongoing win-win partnerships: We create ongoing win-win partnerships with our partners and through hard work we create profits and growth for all.

10. Commitment: 

All Luxers are devoted to Luxury Travel Ltd and committed to excellence to ensure great things happen when we work together to achieve our goals!

Hanoi Head Office

No 456, Lac Long Quan Str., Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam

Call Mr. Thang Phan 24/07 at: +84. 1234 68 69 96
